Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Weight Loss

when I'm going to show you and the next video okay so now you understand exactly how-to manipulate you'd like to have a three days the week to you go ahead drink down you'd likes hit levels to put them in a position where you can meet some real you came from influx carbohydrates so the train you'd like to help us out here just recently cursing Ebola cardio days now you actually me all this really great up here for influx %uh extra carbohydrates to comment.

What’s happening is if you just spend less than in week down here hey same you dramatically suppressed your fat burning hormones you get something called metabolic slowdown so it only takes a few days low-car dieting before your metabolism slows down the start fighting fat loss yet he suppressed to prime hormones the first one his teeth relationships I sec slap ton Latin it's kind of like the hormone that trumps all other fat burning our hearts so first of t3 is kind of like the master gland other metabolism controls your metabolism so wacky 8324 your thyroid hormones cap yak so that lacked left communicates to your brain into your body whether..

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